2024 Author Series Sponsorships are SOLD OUT.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you to the many people who are sponsoring the series. Please consider making a donation to the MV Book Festival and MV Author Series HERE.
Thank You to our 2024 Author Series Sponsors
Ann Baum
Marguerite Benson
Bonnie and Merle Berger
David and Sandra Berler
Joel and Noël Bleier
Steve Blommer and Chuck Holzwarth
Diane and Norm Blumenthal
Caring For Animals
Bernadine Caruso
Ellen and Andy Celli
Megan and Peter Chernin
Linda and Steve Cohen
Sylvia Cohn
Sandra and Peter Conway
Barbara and Richard Couch
Moira Cullen
Patty Cullen and Karl Frey
Mr. & Mrs. John Daley
Susan Dickler and Sig Van Raan
Audrey and David Egger
Steve Fischer & Paul Sutherland
Judith A. Fisher, M.D.
Andrew Warshaw & Brenda Flavin-Warshaw
Janice Florin & Don Barker
JoAnn and Jack Fruchtman
Denise and Peter Glassman
Janet & Richard Goldenberg
Buck and Kay Goldstein
Allan and Janet Green
Jacqueline Griesdorn & Audrey Matzke in memory of Donald Griesdorn
Howard Harrison / Margaret H Gallagher
Alice Jacobs
Gerald and Linda Jones
Rhoda Kahn Nussbaum
Pam Kohlberg
Kraus Family
Wendy Kroll
Iya Labunka
Peter Lefkowitz and Lori Silver
Susan and Marc Levine
Edward & Lois F Lewis
Calvin and Patricia Linnemann
Linda Lipsett & Jules Bernstein
Tina Lodovico & Don Hendricks
Kevin R. Loughlin MD
Anne Luzzatto
Kristin Mannion & HP Goldfield
Jane Martin and Stuart Katz
Katherine Megrue-Smith
Sharon A Miller
John and Virginia Morris
Cynthia J Oakes
Scott Pascucci and Liisa Martin
Deborah Z Porter
Liz and Bob Pozen
Susan Rappaport
Katherine Read & John Houston
Judith E Riley MD
Robin Stratton Rivera
Lisa S Rome MD
Valerie and Tom Rosenberg
Cris Russell & Ben Heineman
Douglas and Patty Sacks
Kathryn Ploss
Gail Schargel and Bill Powell
Susan and Gary Smotrich
Rick and Betsey Solberg
Valerie Sonnenthal, Peaked Hill Studio
Susan Stewart
Nancy K Strauss
Patricia Sullivan
Carl and Martha Tack
Louise and Rick Treitman
Diana and Roy Vagelos
Wendee Wolfson & Peter Slone
Irene Ziebarth
Thank you to our 2024 Partners
Sponsorship Q & A:
Is the sponsorship package tax deductible?
The monetary value of sponsorship benefits varies based on the benefits you received. Accordingly, please consult with your tax advisor on the portion of your sponsorship that is tax deductible. The Chilmark Town Affairs Council, the parent organization of MV Author Book Festival, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. EIN 22-3283667. All financial contributions are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
How much of the sponsorship should be considered tax deductible?
If you attend all the events and receive all of the books, then $500 of the sponsorship price should be tax deductible. Please consult with your tax specialist.
Can I be a sponsor and deduct the full $850 if I choose not to receive the books?
Please let us know ahead of time if you would prefer not to receive the books. Email info@mvbookfestival.com.
Can I send my sponsorship via check?
Donations made by check should be made payable to the Chilmark Town Affairs Council with MV Book Festival in the memo line. Checks should be sent to: MV Book Festival, PO Box 484, Chilmark MA 02535.Thanks to our Partners